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A Gap in Insurance GAAP?


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There's a new philosophy in the marketplace about life insurance, and we believe it warrants a change in the accounting method used for this popular investment product. Traditionally, life insurance has been viewed as a legacy paid to designated beneficiaries after the insured's death. But in recent years policyholders have begun to view it as an underused asset, a source of significant financial resources they can tap while they are still living by selling their insurance to third parties. With the emergence of the multi-billion-dollar viatical and life settlement markets to facilitate these purchases, some accountants have begun to question the appropriateness of FASB Technical Bulletin no. 85-4, Accounting for Purchases of Life Insurance, that adopted the cash surrender method as the only generally accepted method of accounting for these assets. Many CPAs feel it fails to properly reflect the investment nature of life insurance purchases in these markets, resulting in financial reporting that lacks adequate transparency.
机译:市场上有一种关于人寿保险的新哲学,我们相信它有必要改变这种流行的投资产品所采用的会计方法。传统上,人寿保险被视为被保险人死亡后支付给指定受益人的遗产。但是近年来,投保人开始将其视为未充分利用的资产,这是他们在仍然生活时可以通过向第三方出售保险来利用的大量财务资源的来源。随着数十亿美元的便利和生活结算市场的出现,一些会计师开始质疑FASB技术公告No.1的适用性。 85-4,人寿保险购买会计,采用现金退还法作为唯一公认的这些资产会计方法。许多CPA认为它无法正确反映这些市场中人寿保险购买的投资性质,导致财务报告缺乏足够的透明度。



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