首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会計画系論文集 >雲南麗江の都市空間と宮室建築ナシ: 土司政権の都としての麗江研究

雲南麗江の都市空間と宮室建築ナシ: 土司政権の都としての麗江研究


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前近代の中国都市史研究は国際的に展開されており、その蓄積は厚い。ただし、歴代の都城や陪都が主な研究対象となっている傾向が見られる。それらの都城制度や空間構成が如何に周縁の朝貢国や王国へ影響を与えたのかが重視されてきた。筆者は中国中央政権と朝貢関係が持ちながら、独自の政権が有した周縁地域の都城に注目し、内モンゴル地域にあったアルタン?ハーン政権の都城フフホトを研究してきた。%This essay analyzes the urban spatial structure and the chronology of palace architecture in Lijiang, the capital of the Naxi kingdom, from the fourteenth century to the beginning of the eighteenth century under the rule of the Naxi Tusi (indigenous rulers). They possessed the following characteristics. There was no city wall and the steep terrain was exploited for defense. The palace buildings were located at the foot of Huang Mountain, at the summit of which there was a ritual altar Tiantan. The eastern direction had higher status, and the administrative (ruling) spaces and the residential spaces were arranged in a row rather than front to back. The Zuwiao (mausoleum for ancestral worship) and the Shejitan were located front to back on Huang Mountain rather than to the left and right of the palace. In addition, the commercial district was to the left of the palace. The style of the palace buildings showed characteristics of the western region of Yunnan.



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