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US Army seeks mobile camouflage systems for combat vehicles


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The US Army is calling on industry to propose innovative, mobile camouflage systems (MCSs) that will better conceal its moving ground combat vehicles. On 27 July the service announced that it was seeking MCS white papers ahead of a potential prototyping competition and gave industry until 8 August to respond. "Ground combat vehicles, as key battlefield enablers, require additional signature management capability to ensure surviv-ability and effectiveness," the army wrote. "Beyond paint, the current methods of protecting combat vehicles on the move, or in hasty halt positions, include affixing either organic material, like freshly-cut branches, or scraps of Ultra-Lightweight Camouflage Net System (ULCANS) netting to the top and sides of the vehicles' exterior." However, these methods only provide "limited (if any) visual signature suppression", and do not provide moving vehicles with the "durable signature suppression" required for "ensured soldier survivability", the service explained.
机译:美国陆军正在呼吁行业提出创新,移动伪装系统(MCS),这些系统(MCSS)将更好地隐藏其移动地面战斗车辆。 7月27日,该服务宣布,它正在寻求MCS白皮书领先于潜在的原型竞争,并在8月8日之前给予行业。 “作为关键战场推动者的地面战斗车辆需要额外的签名管理能力来确保幸存者能力和有效性,”陆军写道。 “除了涂料之外,保护作战车辆在移动中的目前的方法,或者在仓促停止位置,包括粘贴有机材料,如新鲜切割的分支,或超轻型伪装网系统(ULCANS)网上的碎片到顶部和车辆的两侧。“然而,这些方法仅提供“有限的(如果有)视觉签名抑制”,并且不提供具有“确保士兵生存能力”所需的“耐用签名抑制”的移动车辆,该服务解释说明。



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