首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Infectious Diseases >Risk of Herpes Zoster in Adults Immunized with Varicella Vaccine

Risk of Herpes Zoster in Adults Immunized with Varicella Vaccine


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A program of routine varicella vaccination of children 12–18 months of age, begun in the United States in 1995, has been very successful in reducing the incidence of varicella. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), in both wild-type and live attenuated forms, is notable for its ability to produce latent infection of sensory neurons from which it can later reactivate to cause herpes zoster (HZ). Therefore, the effects of vaccination on this secondary VZV-related disease are important to consider; in practice, however, such studies are complicated by the typically long delay between acquisition of the virus and its reactivation. Studies of immunocompromised children have shown that vaccination is relatively protective against HZ in this highly vulnerable group. We now present long-term follow-up data on a group of individuals who received varicella vaccine as healthy young adults 10–26 years ago and who have been followed prospectively by means of active surveillance. Among some 2000 person-years of follow-up, 2 cases of HZ have occurred, for a rate of 1.00 case/1000 person-years. Overall, the incidence of HZ in this cohort, therefore, is similar to published data for the US population in the prevaccine era.
机译:1995年在美国开始的针对12至18个月大的儿童的常规水痘疫苗接种计划在减少水痘的发病率方面非常成功。野生型和活减毒形式的水痘带状疱疹病毒(VZV)以产生潜在的感觉神经元感染能力而著称,随后可重新激活以引起带状疱疹(HZ)。因此,疫苗接种对这种继发性VZV相关疾病的影响值得考虑。然而,实际上,这种研究由于病毒的获取与其重新激活之间通常较长的延迟而变得复杂。对免疫功能低下的儿童的研究表明,在这一高度脆弱的人群中,接种疫苗相对预防HZ。现在,我们提供了一组长期随访数据,这些人群是在10-26年前作为健康年轻人接受水痘疫苗的人群,并通过积极监测进行了前瞻性随访。在大约2000人年的随访中,发生了2例HZ病例,发生率为1.00例/ 1000人年。总体而言,此队列中HZ的发生率与疫苗接种前时期美国人口的公开数据相似。



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