首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Infectious Diseases >Genital Human Papillomavirus Prevalence and Human Papillomavirus Concordance in Heterosexual Couples Are Positively Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection

Genital Human Papillomavirus Prevalence and Human Papillomavirus Concordance in Heterosexual Couples Are Positively Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection


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This study examined the concordance of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in 254 heterosexually active couples and the impact of HIV coinfection. Genital HPV detection was significantly more common among HIV-infected women than among HIV-seronegative women (99 [68%] of 145 women vs. 33 [31%] of 107 women; P.001); similarly, HPV detection was significantly more common among HIV-infected men than among HIV-seronegative men (67 [72%] of 93 and 65 [43%] of 150 men, respectively; P.001). HIV-seronegative male partners of HIV-infected women had a significantly greater prevalence of HPV infection than did HIV-seronegative male partners of HIV-seronegative women (38 [58%] of 65 men vs. 27 [32%] of 85 men; P=.001), indicating that HIV coinfection in one partner has a significant impact on the prevalence of HPV genital infection in the other partner. HPV concordance between couples was associated with HIV infection status (P.001, by Pearson’s χ2 test) and was significantly higher among HIV-infected couples than among HIV-seronegative couples. Type-specific sharing of HPV was associated with HIV concordance status (P=.024). HIV-seronegative couples were more likely to share 1 HPV type and were unlikely to share 1 type, whereas HIV-infected or HIV-discordant couples were more likely to share 1 HPV type. Women with a high HPV load frequently shared HPV types with their male partners, suggesting that a high HPV load may play a role in HPV transmission between partners. In conclusion, HIV coinfection in one or both sexually active partners increased HPV prevalence and HPV type–specific concordance
机译:这项研究检查了254对异性恋活跃夫妇中生殖器人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的一致性以及HIV合并感染的影响。在感染了HIV的女性中,生殖器HPV的检测比在感染HIV的女性中更为普遍(145名女性中有99名[68%],而107名女性中有33名[31%]; P <.001);同样,在HIV感染的男性中,HPV检测比在HIV阴性的男性中更为普遍(分别为93名中的67名[72%]和150名中的65名[43%]; P <.001)。感染艾滋病毒的女性的艾滋病毒阴性男性伴侣的感染率明显高于感染艾滋病毒的女性的艾滋病毒阴性男性伴侣(65名男性中的38 [58%],而85名男性中的27 [32%]; P = .001),表明一个伴侣中的HIV合并感染对另一伴侣中HPV生殖器感染的发生率有重大影响。夫妻之间的HPV一致性与HIV感染状况有关(Pearson的χ 2 检验为P <.001),并且在HIV感染的夫妻中显着高于HIV阴性的夫妻。 HPV的特定类型共享与HIV依从性状态相关(P = .024)。 HIV阴性的夫妇更有可能共享1种HPV类型,不太可能共享> 1型,而HIV感染或HIV不一致的夫妇则更有可能共享> 1 HPV类型。高HPV负荷的女性经常与男性伴侣共享HPV类型,这表明高HPV负荷可能在伴侣之间的HPV传播中起作用。总之,在一个或两个性活跃伴侣中合并感染艾滋病毒会增加HPV患病率和特定于HPV类型的一致性



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