首页> 外文期刊>ITS Journal >Environmental and Energy Impacts of Automated Electric Highway Systems

Environmental and Energy Impacts of Automated Electric Highway Systems


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This article proposes a methodology that can be applied to evaluate the environmental and energy impacts of a de novo technology, the automated electric highway systems (AEHS). The authors used the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) program to estimate the impacts on emissions and energy use associated with a hypothetical implementation of this technology on the Interstate 70 corridor in Missouri during the period 2011-2040. The estimation results suggest that application of AEHS on the study corridor would decrease fossil fuel energy use by more than 25%, while emissions would decrease by up to 27%, depending on the pollutant being considered. A sensitivity analysis was also performed, in order to assess the impact of different demand estimates for the system; a 10% reduction in AEHS vehicle miles traveled would have an effect of 5% or less on the criteria of interest. This article represents one of the first attempts to quantify the environmental benefits of this widely discussed technology, and can serve as a guiding methodology for evaluation of upcoming intelligent transportation system technologies.



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