首页> 外文期刊>Israel Journal of Mathematics >Any two irreducible Markov chains of equal entropy are finitarily Kakutani equivalent

Any two irreducible Markov chains of equal entropy are finitarily Kakutani equivalent


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We show here that any two finite state irreducible Markov chains of the same entropy are finitarily Kakutani equivalent. By this we mean they are orbit equivalent by an invertible measure preserving mapping that is almost continuous and monotone in time when restricted to some cylinder set. Smorodinsky and Keane have shown that any two irreducible Markov chains of equal entropy and period are finitarily isomorphic. Hence, all that is necessary to obtain our result is to show that for every entropy h > 0 and period p ∈ ℕ there exists two irreducible Markov chains σ 1, σ 2 both of entropy h, where (1) σ 1 is mixing
机译:我们在这里表明,具有相同熵的任何两个有限状态不可约马尔可夫链最初都是角谷等效的。通过这种方式,我们的意思是它们通过可逆测度保持等效,并保留了映射,当映射到某些圆柱体集时,该映射几乎是连续且单调的。 Smorodinsky和Keane已经证明,熵和周期相等的任何两个不可约马尔可夫链最终都是同构的。因此,获得我们的结果所需要做的就是表明,对于每个熵h> 0和周期p∈ℕ,存在两个不可约的马尔可夫链σ 1 ,σ 2 两个熵h,其中(1)σ 1 正在混合



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