首页> 外文期刊>ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing >Comparison of high-density LiDAR and satellite photogrammetry for forest inventory

Comparison of high-density LiDAR and satellite photogrammetry for forest inventory


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Point cloud data derived from stereo satellite imagery has the potential to provide large-scale forest inventory assessment but these methods are known to include higher error than airborne laser scanning (ALS). This study compares the accuracy of forest inventory attributes estimated from high-density ALS (21.1 pulses m(-2)) point cloud data (PCD) and PCD derived from photogrammetric methods applied to stereo satellite imagery obtained over a Pinus radiata D. Don plantation forest in New Zealand. The statistical and textural properties of the canopy height models (CHMs) derived from each point cloud were included alongside standard PCD metrics as a means of improving the accuracy of predictions for key forest inventory attributes. For mean top height (a measure of dominant height in a stand), ALS data produced better estimates (R-2 = 0.88; RMSE = 1.7 m) than those obtained from satellite data (R-2 = 0.81; RMSE = 2.1 m). This was attributable to a general over-estimation of canopy heights in the satellite PCD. ALS models produced poor estimates of stand density (R-2 = 0.48; RMSE = 112.1 stems ha(-1)), as did the satellite PCD models (R-2 = 0.42; RMSE = 118.4 stems ha(-1)). ALS models produced accurate estimates of basal area (R-2 = 0.58; RMSE = 12 m(2) ha(-1)), total stem volume (R-2 = 0.72; RMSE = 107.5 m(3) ha(-1)), and total recoverable volume (R-2 = 0.74; RMSE = 92.9 m(3) ha(-1)). These values differed little from the estimates of basal area (R-2 = 0.57; RMSE = 12.2 m(2) ha(-1)), total stem volume (R-2 = 0.70; RMSE = 112.6 m(3) ha(-1)), and total recoverable volume (R-2 = 0.73; RMSE = 96 m(3) ha(-1)) obtained from satellite PCD models. The statistical and textural metrics computed from the CHMs were important variables in all of the models derived from both satellite and ALS PCD, nearly always outranking the standard PCD metrics in measures of importance. For the satellite PCD models, the CHM-derived metrics were nearly exclusively identified as important variables. These results clearly show that point cloud data obtained from stereo satellite imagery are useful for prediction of forest inventory attributes in intensively managed forests on steeper terrain. Furthermore, these data offer forest managers the benefit of obtaining both inventory data and high-resolution multispectral imagery from a single product.
机译:从立体卫星图像获得的点云数据有可能提供大规模的森林资源评估,但已知这些方法比机载激光扫描(ALS)包含更高的误差。这项研究比较了从高密度ALS(21.1脉冲m(-2))点云数据(PCD)和从摄影测量方法获得的PCD估计的森林清单属性的准确性,该摄影测量方法适用于辐射松D上获得的立体卫星图像。在新西兰的森林。来自每个点云的树冠高度模型(CHM)的统计和纹理属性与标准PCD度量标准一起被包括在内,以提高对关键森林资源属性的预测准确性。对于平均最高高度(衡量站立中的主要高度),与从卫星数据获得的估计值(R-2 = 0.81; RMSE = 2.1 m)相比,ALS数据产生的估计值更好(R-2 = 0.88; RMSE = 1.7 m)。 。这归因于卫星PCD中对树冠高度的普遍高估。 ALS模型得出的林分密度估算值很差(R-2 = 0.48; RMSE = 112.1茎ha(-1)),卫星PCD模型也是如此(R-2 = 0.42; RMSE = 118.4茎ha(-1))。 ALS模型产生了精确的基础面积估计值(R-2 = 0.58; RMSE = 12 m(2)ha(-1)),总茎体积(R-2 = 0.72; RMSE = 107.5 m(3)ha(-1) ))和总可采量(R-2 = 0.74; RMSE = 92.9 m(3)ha(-1))。这些值与基本面积(R-2 = 0.57; RMSE = 12.2 m(2)ha(-1)),总茎体积(R-2 = 0.70; RMSE = 112.6 m(3)ha( -1)),以及从卫星PCD模型获得的总可采量(R-2 = 0.73; RMSE = 96 m(3)ha(-1))。在所有源自卫星和ALS PCD的模型中,从CHM计算出的统计和纹理度量都是重要变量,在重要性度量中,几乎总是超过标准PCD度量。对于卫星PCD模型,CHM衍生的指标几乎被唯一地标识为重要变量。这些结果清楚地表明,从立体卫星图像获得的点云数据可用于预测在陡峭地形上集约经营的森林中的森林清单属性。此外,这些数据还为森林管理员提供了从单个产品中获取库存数据和高分辨率多光谱图像的优势。



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