首页> 外文期刊>Isotopes in environmental and health studies >On the conversion of tritium units to mass fractions for hydrologic applications

On the conversion of tritium units to mass fractions for hydrologic applications


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We develop a general equation for converting laboratory-reported tritium levels, expressed either as concentrations (tritium isotope number fractions) or mass-based specific activities, to mass fractions in aqueous systems. Assuming that all tritium is in the form of monotritiated water simplifies the derivation and is shown to be reasonable for most environmental settings encountered in practice. The general equation is nonlinear. For tritium concentrations c less than 4.5×10~(12) tritium units (TU) - i.e. specific tritium activities <5.3×10~(11) Bq kg~(-1) - the mass fraction w of tritiated water is approximated to within 1 part per million by w ≈ c×2.22293×10~(-18), i.e. the conversion is linear for all practical purposes. Terrestrial abundances serve as a proxy for non-tritium isotopes in the absence of sample-specific data. Variation in the relative abundances of non-tritium isotopes in the terrestrial hydrosphere produces a minimum range for the mantissa of the conversion factor of [2.22287; 2.22300].
机译:我们开发了一个通用方程,用于将实验室报告的tri水平转换为水系统中的浓度(tri同位素数分数)或基于质量的比活表示为质量分数。假设所有tri都是单tri水的形式,则简化了推导过程,并且对于实际遇到的大多数环境而言,证明是合理的。一般方程是非线性的。当tri浓度c小于4.5×10〜(12)units单位(TU)-即specific比活度<5.3×10〜(11)Bq kg〜(-1)时,water水的质量分数w近似在每百万分之一乘以w≈c×2.22293×10〜(-18),即,对于所有实际目的,转换都是线性的。在没有特定样品数据的情况下,陆地丰度可作为非-同位素的替代物。陆地水圈中非non同位素的相对丰度变化产生的转换因子尾数的最小范围为[2.22287; 2.22300]。



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