首页> 外文期刊>ISIJ international >Initial Solidification Control of Continuous Casting Using Electromagnetic Oscillation Method

Initial Solidification Control of Continuous Casting Using Electromagnetic Oscillation Method


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An initial solidification control technology, called the Electromagnetic Oscillation Method, intermittently applying high frequency magnetic field was developed aiming to reduce the friction between mold and initial solidified shell and to perform high speed casting for producing cast having excellent surface properties. According to the method, a high frequency magnetic field is applied synchronizing with the mold oscillation, applying a horizontal and inward electromagnetic force from outside the mold during the positive strip period, while applying a downward electromagnetic force from above the mold during the negative strip period. The method was investigated in terms of influence on the surface properties of cast and other variables by applying the method to laboratory scale continuous steel casting. The experiment was given by casting round billets having 100 mm in diameter at casting speeds of 0.5 to 1.6 mm/min, applying high frequency magnetic fields of 1 to 9.8 kHz. The flux film thickness in the mold increased by applying horizontal electromagnetic force during the positive strip period, and the surface properties of the cast improved. By applying downward electromagnetic force during the negative strip period, the strength of initial solidified shell increased to prevent the occurrence of breakout.
机译:为了减少铸型与初始凝固壳之间的摩擦并进行高速铸造以生产具有优异表面性能的铸件,开发了一种间歇凝固施加高频磁场的初始凝固控制技术,称为电磁振荡法。根据该方法,与模具振动同步地施加高频磁场,在正剥离期间从模具外部施加水平和向内的电磁力,而在负剥离期间从模具上方施加向下的电磁力。 。通过将该方法应用于实验室规模的连续钢铸件,研究了该方法对铸件表面性能和其他变量的影响。通过施加0.5至1.6mm / min的铸造速度,施加1至9.8kHz的高频磁场来铸造直径为100mm的圆形坯料来进行实验。通过在正剥离期间施加水平电磁力,可增加模具中的助焊剂膜厚度,并改善铸件的表面性能。通过在负剥离期间施加向下的电磁力,可以增强初始凝固壳的强度,以防止发生破裂。



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