首页> 外文期刊>Internet of Things Journal, IEEE >Covert Wireless Communication in IoT Network: From AWGN Channel to THz Band

Covert Wireless Communication in IoT Network: From AWGN Channel to THz Band


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Covert communication can prevent an adversary from knowing that a transmission has occurred between two users. In this article, we consider covert wireless communications in an Internet-of-Things (IoT) network with dense deployment, where an IoT device experiences not only the background noise but also the aggregates interference from other Tx devices. Our results show that in a dense IoT network with lower frequency AWGN channels, when the distance between Alice and the adversary Willie d(a,w) = omega(n(1/(2 alpha))), Alice can reliably and covertly transmit O(log(2) root n) bits to Bob in n channel uses. In an IoT network with terahertz (THz) band, covert communication is more difficult because Willie can simply place a receiver in the narrow beam between Alice and Bob in order to detect or block their line-of-sight communications. We demonstrated that covert communication is still possible in this occasion by utilizing the reflection or diffuse scattering from a rough surface. From the physical-layer security perspective, covert communication can enhance the security of IoT network from the bottom layer.
机译:隐蔽通信可以防止对攻击者知道在两个用户之间发生传输。在本文中,我们认为具有密集部署的内部内容(IOT)网络中的隐蔽无线通信,其中IoT设备不仅经历背景噪声,而且还经历来自其他TX设备的聚合干扰。我们的结果表明,在具有较低频率AWGN通道的密集物联网网络中,当Alice和对手威利D(A,W)= Omega(n(1 /(2 alpha))之间的距离(n(1 /(2 alpha)),Alice可以可靠地发射o(log(2)根n)在n个通道使用中的bob位。在带有太赫兹(THz)频段的IOT网络中,封面通信更加困难,因为威利可以简单地将接收器放置在Alice和Bob之间的窄光束中,以便检测或阻止其视线通信。我们证明,在这种情况下,通过利用粗糙表面的反射或漫射散射仍然可以实现秘密通信。从物理层安全透视图,Covert通信可以增强IoT网络的安全性来自底层。



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