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25 Years of the Internet in Central America: an interview with Guy de Teramond

机译:中美洲互联网25年:Guy de Teramond访谈

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January 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the first dedicated Internet connection in Central America. Little is known about the conditions that characterised the early development of the Internet in this part of the globe. In this interview, made on 23 June 2017, Guy de Teramond, more commonly known as 'The Father of the Internet in Central America", recalls some of the main events that led the connection to BITNET and the Internet in this region. De Teramond talks about the motivations, challenges and satisfactions involved in regional connection projects in countries like Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, during the 1990s; the role of the Organization of American States; the foundation of academic networks in Central America; and the privatisation of telecommunications in the region. These discussions are updated by addressing the contemporary state of these academic projects and some of the main challenges faced by countries of the Central American region in the global geopolitics and governance of the Internet.
机译:2018年1月是中美洲首次建立专用互联网连接25周年。人们对全球互联网早期发展的特征所知甚少。在2017年6月23日的采访中,盖伊·德·泰拉蒙德(Guy de Teramond)(俗称“中美洲互联网之父”)回顾了一些导致该地区BITNET和互联网连接的主要事件。讨论了诸如1990年代哥斯达黎加,萨尔瓦多,危地马拉,洪都拉斯,尼加拉瓜和巴拿马等国家的区域联系项目所涉及的动机,挑战和满意度;美洲国家组织的作用;中部地区学术网络的基础通过讨论这些学术项目的当代状况以及中美洲地区国家在全球地缘政治和互联网治理方面面临的一些主要挑战,更新了这些讨论。



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