首页> 外文期刊>International journal of wireless and mobile computing >TSGC-DSCC - trends in smart grid communications: detection, scheduling, control and communications

TSGC-DSCC - trends in smart grid communications: detection, scheduling, control and communications


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The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the support to two-way flow communication promote the evolution of traditional electric power grids. To be more effective, this evolved system known as Smart Grid necessitates an efficient, reliable, flexible, sustainable, affordable and more secure infrastructure, in order to better respond to increasing demand for green energy, to enhance the detection of real-time big data and to handle efficient communication between all stakeholders. In this paper, we present an overview on detection, scheduling, control and communications in Smart Grids: we start by providing a comparison between the traditional and the new Smart Grid, we analyse the factors prompted the emergence of Smart Grids and we illustrate new entities following its appearance. Then, we explore advanced techniques aiming to read, to process and to communicate bidirectional data within the grid, and, then, we highlight several opportunities given and deep challenges faced.



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