首页> 外文期刊>International journal of web information systems >A hybrid model for exploring the antecedents of cloud ERP continuance: Roles of quality determinants and task-technology fit

A hybrid model for exploring the antecedents of cloud ERP continuance: Roles of quality determinants and task-technology fit


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Purpose - This study aims to propose a hybrid model based on expectation-confirmation model (ECM), DeLone and McLean IS success model and task-technology fit (TTF) model to examine whether quality factors and TTF as the antecedents to user beliefs can affect organizational users' continuance intention of cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP). Design/methodology/approach - Sample data for this study were collected from end-users of cloud ERP working in companies in Taiwan. A total of 370 questionnaires were distributed in the 37 sample companies, and 315 (85.1 per cent) usable questionnaires were analyzed using structural equation modeling in this study. Findings - This study's findings indicated that users' perceptions of system quality, information quality and TTF all contributed significantly to their satisfaction, confirmation and perceived usefulness (PU) of cloud ERP, which in turn directly or indirectly led to their continuance intention of cloud ERP; that is, the results strongly supported the hybrid model integrating ECM, DeLone and McLean IS success model and TTF model with all hypothesized links being significant. Originality/value - Empirically, this study's research model capturing ECM, DeLone and McLean IS success model and TTF model has significantly shed light on the possible formulation of a richer post-adoption model. Noteworthily, considerably more attention should be paid to the fit between information-related characteristics and cloud ERP users' work goals and needs, while TTF, based on both system-related and information-related technology characteristics, significantly contributes to users' satisfaction, confirmation and PU, which together directly or indirectly explain their intention to continue using cloud ERP. Expectation-confirmation model; Information quality; System quality; Cloud enterprise resource planning continuance; DeLone and McLean IS success model; Task-technology fit (TTF) model.
机译:目的-本研究旨在提出一种基于期望确认模型(ECM),DeLone和McLean IS成功模型以及任务技术拟合(TTF)模型的混合模型,以检验质量因素和TTF作为用户信念的先行因素是否会影响组织用户对云企业资源计划(ERP)的持续意图。设计/方法/方法-这项研究的样本数据是从在台湾的公司工作的云ERP最终用户收集的。在这项研究中,总共向37个样本公司分发了370份问卷,并使用结构方程模型对315份(85.1%)可用问卷进行了分析。调查结果-该研究结果表明,用户对系统质量,信息质量和TTF的感知都极大地提高了他们对云ERP的满意度,确认和感知有用性(PU),进而直接或间接导致了他们对云ERP的持续使用意图;也就是说,结果强有力地支持了将ECM,DeLone和McLean IS成功模型以及TTF模型集成在一起的混合模型,其中所有假设的链接都很重要。原创性/价值-根据经验,本研究的研究模型涵盖了ECM,DeLone和McLean IS成功模型和TTF模型,极大地阐明了可能建立更丰富的采用后模型的可能性。值得注意的是,应更加关注信息相关特征与云ERP用户的工作目标和需求之间的契合度,而TTF基于系统相关和信息相关技术特征,将极大地促进用户的满意度,确认和PU,它们直接或间接地说明了他们继续使用云ERP的意图。期望确认模型;信息质量;系统质量;云企业资源计划连续性; DeLone和McLean IS成功模式;任务技术适合(TTF)模型。



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