首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of urban and regional research >Deborah Pellow 2008: Landlords and Lodgers: Socio-spatial Organization in an Accra Community. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

Deborah Pellow 2008: Landlords and Lodgers: Socio-spatial Organization in an Accra Community. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

机译:黛博拉·佩洛(Deborah Pellow),2008年:房东和房客:阿克拉社区的社会空间组织。芝加哥和伦敦:芝加哥大学出版社。

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Landlords and Lodgers fs a study on African urban life based on long-term research in a specific Accra settlement. The book is written as an ethnography, consisting of eight chapters that are mainly descriptive in nature. The book starts off with an introduction to the research setting named Sabon Zongo (zongo is a Hausa word that means strangers' quarter). This settlement, with its 25,000 inhabitants, was founded in 1910 by Nigerian Hausa leader Malam Bako, a Muslim, as a place of refuge; other 'strangers' who had come to Accra joined later. The book explores the socio-spatial evolution of the settlement as well as processes of identity formation and place attachment, referred to as zongo-ness. The aim of the book is to gain a better understanding of post-colonial urban environments.
机译:房东和房客基于一项针对特定阿克拉居民点的长期研究,对非洲城市生活进行了研究。这本书是作为民族志而写的,由八章组成,主要是描述性的。该书首先介绍了名为Sabon Zongo的研究环境(zongo是Hausa的一个词,表示陌生人的宿舍)。该定居点有25,000名居民,是尼日利亚豪萨族领导人穆斯林马拉姆·巴科(Malam Bako)于1910年建立的,这里是避难所。后来来阿克拉的其他“陌生人”也加入了。该书探讨了定居点的社会空间演变以及身份形成和场所依附的过程,称为区域性。这本书的目的是为了更好地理解后殖民时期的城市环境。



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