首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tourism Research >Destination product characteristics as useful predictors for repeat visiting and recommendation segmentation variables in tourism: a CHAID exhaustive analysis

Destination product characteristics as useful predictors for repeat visiting and recommendation segmentation variables in tourism: a CHAID exhaustive analysis


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The present paper constitutes a segmentation research with the use of the exhaustive chi-squared automatic interaction detection tree analysis approach which, through the characteristics of a tourist destination, aims at the illustration of the English and German tourist groups and more specifically, (i) those who are repeat visitors of several tourist destinations and (ii) those who express a willingness to urge other people to visit geographic tourist destinations that the former have already visited. The results of the research help the tourism managers to apprehend the characteristics of the destination products that best describe the visitors.
机译:本论文利用详尽的卡方自动交互检测树分析方法构成了一种细分研究,该方法通过旅游目的地的特征,旨在说明英,德旅游者,更具体地说,(i) (ii)表示愿意敦促其他人访问前者已经访问过的地理旅游目的地的人。研究结果有助于旅游管理者理解最能描述游客的目的地产品的特征。



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