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Tourism in Trinidad and Tobago: carving a niche in a petroleum-based economy


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Trinidad and Tobago lies within one of the world's most tourism-intensive regions, the Caribbean. Yet, unlike its neighbours, it has not relied heavily on income from travel and tourism since its economy is dominated by the energy sector. The energy sector is the mainstay of the economy contributing approximately 34.1% to the country's GDP, 85.5% to merchandise exports and 37.1% to Government revenues in 2004 (Ministry of Energy, 2006). The Government, in its aim for developed nation status by 2020, recognizes that the energy sector is unable to provide the sustainable jobs needed to achieve this. Thus, the Government's policy strategy, Vision 2020, identifies tourism as one of five (5) sectors that should be developed to contribute to the country's economic development. nThe tourism industry currently represents 13.8% of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Trinidad and Tobago and is expected to increase its share by nearly three percentage points to 16.5% by 2015. It accounts for 16.7% of total employment, and this is forecasted to rise to 19.2% (WTTC, 2005). Several challenges are evident, that continue to limit the industry's full potential for growth in the country. It is against this background that this paper seeks to identify and analyse the strategies that can be adopted to maximize the contribution of the hospitality and tourism industry to economic development in Trinidad and Tobago. The three main strategies proposed are a greater focus on local entrepreneurship; the re-orientation of the role of the local financial mechanisms in tourism development and; the development of competitive tourism investment incentives for potential investors in the hospitality and tourism industry.
机译:特立尼达和多巴哥位于世界上旅游业最密集的地区之一加勒比地区。但是,与邻国不同,它的经济主要由能源部门主导,因此并未严重依赖旅行和旅游业的收入。能源部门是经济的支柱,2004年占该国GDP的比重约为34.1%,占商品出口的比重为85.5%,占政府收入的比重为37.1%(能源部,2006年)。政府在到2020年实现发达国家地位的目标中认识到,能源部门无法提供实现这一目标所需的可持续工作。因此,政府的政策战略“ 2020年愿景”将旅游业确定为应发展为促进该国经济发展的五(5)个行业之一。 n旅游业目前在特立尼达和多巴哥的国内生产总值(GDP)中占13.8%,预计到2015年其份额将增加近三个百分点,达到16.5%。旅游业将占总就业人数的16.7%,预计上升到19.2%(WTTC,2005)。显然,有几项挑战继续限制着该行业在该国增长的全部潜力。正是在这种背景下,本文试图确定和分析可以采取的使特立尼达和多巴哥的酒店和旅游业对经济发展的贡献最大化的战略。提出的三个主要策略是更加关注本地企业家精神。重新定位地方金融机制在旅游业发展中的作用;以及制定有竞争力的旅游投资激励措施,以吸引酒店和旅游业的潜在投资者。



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