首页> 外文期刊>International journal of thermal & environmental engineering >Numerical Simulation of a Cylindrical Heat Pipe and Performance Study

Numerical Simulation of a Cylindrical Heat Pipe and Performance Study


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Heat Pipes are passive devices used for transferring heat from a heat source to a heat sink with very small difference in temperature. They have three main sections namely the evaporator, adiabatic section and the condenser. In construction terms, they have three parts, the metal container, the porous wick region which lines the container from inside and the hollow flow chamber. Heat pipe performance is governed by several parameters such as the geometry, dimensions, working fluid, wick and container materials etc. In this study numerical simulation method was used to analyze the performance of the heat pipe. A numerical model based on Navier stokes equation, Energy equation and conjugate heat transfer was developed using COMSOL Multiphysics package. The top wall temperature profile obtained was validated with experimental results, and further the absolute thermal resistance was calculated. A sensitivity study was carried out to study the performance dependency of heat pipe on four parameters namely, porosity, condenser evaporator lengths, radius of heat pipe and the heat input, in terms of the absolute thermal resistance. The results showed that absolute thermal resistance varied directly with respect to porosity of the wick, and inversely in case of radius of the heat pipe. The absolute thermal resistance was maximum in case of equal condenser and evaporator lengths. Interestingly the absolute thermal resistance did not vary with the applied heat rate, demonstrating the practicality in using absolute thermal resistance as a performance characteristic parameter.
机译:热管是无源设备,用于将热量从热源传递到散热片,其温差很小。它们具有三个主要部分,即蒸发器,绝热部分和冷凝器。从结构上讲,它们由三部分组成:金属容器,从内部对容器进行衬里的多孔芯区域和中空流动室。热管性能受几何,尺寸,工作流体,油芯和容器材料等多个参数控制。在本研究中,使用数值模拟方法来分析热管的性能。利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件包,建立了基于Navier斯托克斯方程,能量方程和共轭传热的数值模型。用实验结果验证了获得的顶壁温度曲线,并进一步计算了绝对热阻。进行了敏感性研究,以绝对热阻的形式研究热管的性能与孔隙度,冷凝器蒸发器长度,热管半径和热输入四个参数的关系。结果表明,绝对热阻相对于灯芯的孔隙率直接变化,而在热管半径的情况下则相反。在冷凝器和蒸发器长度相等的情况下,绝对热阻最大。有趣的是,绝对热阻不随所施加的热率而变化,证明了将绝对热阻用作性能特性参数的实用性。



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