首页> 外文期刊>International journal of systems assurance engineering and management >MetaSurfer: a new metasearch engine based on FAHP and modified EOWA operator

MetaSurfer: a new metasearch engine based on FAHP and modified EOWA operator


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A meta-search engine (MSE) is a system that supports unified access to multiple existing web search engines by querying them simultaneously, thereby widening coverage of the World Wide Web. Result aggregation techniques are used in an MSE to combine the results from multiple underlying web search engines and present a single consolidated result list to the user. In this paper, we propose a new method for optimization of MSE results using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) and modified extended ordered weighted averaging (EOWA) operator. In our method, FAHP is used for pair-wise comparison of documents in underlying search engines. We assign fuzzy importance degrees to search engines which are represented in triangular fuzzy numbers, and subsequently defuzzified using center of gravity method. Center of gravity method is found to be a better defuzzifier operator in the literature as compared to max membership method which is an important constituent of EOWA operator. The modified EOWA operator is therefore proposed to aggregate the scores of individual search engine documents so as to obtain the final ranking of the documents. Lastly, we compute the effectiveness of the proposed MSE viz. MetaSurfer by calculating the classical Precision. Since we have proposed a new method which reorders documents such that a more relevant document occupies a higher rank, therefore we have defined a new criterion to calculate effectiveness called weighted precision. The precision and weighted precision values are compared with those of existing and popular MSEs. The results show that MetaSurfer performs better than existing MSEs.
机译:元搜索引擎(MSE)是一种系统,它通过同时查询多个现有的Web搜索引擎来支持对其的统一访问,从而扩大了万维网的覆盖范围。 MSE中使用结果汇总技术来合并来自多个基础网络搜索引擎的结果,并向用户显示单个合并的结果列表。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)和改进的扩展有序加权平均(EOWA)运算符优化MSE结果的新方法。在我们的方法中,FAHP用于基础搜索引擎中文档的成对比较。我们将模糊重要度分配给以三角模糊数表示的搜索引擎,然后使用重心方法对它们进行去模糊处理。与最大隶属度法(EOWA算子的重要组成部分)相比,文献中发现重心法是一种更好的去模糊器算子。因此,建议使用修改后的EOWA运算符来汇总各个搜索引擎文档的得分,以获得文档的最终排名。最后,我们计算了建议的MSE的有效性。 MetaSurfer通过计算经典的Precision。由于我们提出了一种对文档进行重新排序以使相关性更高的文档占据较高排名的新方法,因此我们定义了一种新的准则来计算有效性,称为加权精度。将精度和加权精度值与现有和流行的MSE进行比较。结果表明,MetaSurfer的性能优于现有的MSE。



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