首页> 外文期刊>International journal of systematic theology >Eric Gregory, Politics and the Order of Love: An Augustinian Ethic of Democratic Citizenship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, xv + 417pp. $45.00

Eric Gregory, Politics and the Order of Love: An Augustinian Ethic of Democratic Citizenship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, xv + 417pp. $45.00

机译:埃里克·格雷戈里(Eric Gregory),《政治与爱情秩序:奥古斯丁民主公民道德》。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,2008年,xv + 417pp。 $ 45.00

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In this impressively researched work, Eric Gregory offers a constructive vision of liberal politics rooted in a retrieval of Augustine's understanding of love. His hope is to expand the current political imagination of both liberalism and political Augustinianism. Gregory invites the reader into an intriguing conversation as he draws together the voices of political theorists, Augustinian liberals and 'antiliberals', feminist theorists, Christian ethicists, theologians, Hannah Arendt and Augustine himself. Along the way he initiates the reader into almost all of the recent scholarship related to Augustinian politics and political liberalism while putting forth his own proposal for a reinvigorated Augustinian civic liberalism.
机译:在这项令人印象深刻的研究工作中,埃里克·格雷戈里(Eric Gregory)提供了建设性的自由政治视野,植根于对奥古斯丁对爱情的理解中。他的希望是扩大自由主义和奥古斯丁主义的当前政治想象力。格雷格里(Gregory)邀请读者进行一次有趣的对话,他汇集了政治理论家,奥古斯丁自由主义者和“反抗主义者”,女权理论家,基督教伦理学家,神学家,汉娜·阿伦特和奥古斯丁本人的声音。在此过程中,他向读者介绍了几乎所有与奥古斯丁政治和政治自由主义有关的最新学术成果,同时提出了自己的关于振兴奥古斯丁公民自由主义的建议。



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