首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of STD&AIDS >Enrolment of 22,000 adolescent women to cancer registry follow-up for long-term human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy: guarding against guessing

Enrolment of 22,000 adolescent women to cancer registry follow-up for long-term human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy: guarding against guessing


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Human papillomaviruses (HPVs, most notably types 16 and 18) cause cervical carcinoma, the second most common cancer among women. Vaccination of adolescents against HPV16/18 might prevent large proportion of cervical and other anogenital cancers. However, because of ethical reasons this cannot be proven by clinical studies. To determine the long-term vaccine efficacy (VE) of HPV16/18 virus-like-particle (VLP) vaccine against cervical carcinoma in situ (CIS+) and invasive cervical carcinoma, the following three population-based cohorts of adolescent women have been enrolled: (1) women vaccinated with the HPV vaccine; (2) women vaccinated with hepatitis A control vaccine; and (3) unvaccinated control women. These cohorts will be passively followed for cumulative incidence of CIS+ endpoints by population-based cancer registry. Overall 24,046 16- to 17-year-old adolescent women from 18 cities in Finland were invited between May 2004 and June 2005 to participate in a phase III trial with bivalent HPV16/18 VLP vaccine. A total of 58,996 18- to 19-year-old women were invited in May 2005 to participate as unvaccinated controls. Women who reported their willingness to participate in an HPV vaccination trial had they been 1–2 years younger were eligible. Cumulative incidence (CI) of CIS+ in our cohorts over 15 years is approximately 0.45%. VE of 70% against CIS+ with 80% power requires 3357–3189 HPV16/18 vaccine recipients, 3357–3189 other vaccine recipients, and 6714–9567 unvaccinated controls. We have now enrolled 2404 HPV16/18 vaccine recipients, 2404 hepatitis A-vaccine recipients, and 5130 unvaccinated controls. This enrolment in addition to our earlier enrolment in another phase III trial guarantees enough power so that by 2020 we can ultimately provide data on the efficacy of HPV16/18 vaccination against CIS+.
机译:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV,最著名的是16型和18型)引起宫颈癌,这是女性中第二常见的癌症。青少年针对HPV16 / 18的疫苗接种可能会预防大部分宫颈癌和其他肛门生殖器癌。但是,由于伦理原因,这不能通过临床研究证明。为了确定针对原位宫颈癌(CIS +)和浸润性宫颈癌的HPV16 / 18病毒样颗粒(VLP)疫苗的长期疫苗效力(VE),已纳入以下三个基于人群的青春期妇女队列:(1)接种过HPV疫苗的妇女; (2)接种甲型肝炎对照疫苗的妇女; (3)未接种疫苗的对照妇女。这些人群将被基于人群的癌症登记处被动地追踪CIS +终点的累积发生率。 2004年5月至2005年6月,来自芬兰18个城市的24,046名16至17岁的青春期妇女被邀请参加二价HPV16 / 18 VLP疫苗的III期试验。 2005年5月,共邀请58,996名18至19岁的女性作为未接种疫苗的对照参加。报称愿意年轻1–2岁参加HPV疫苗接种试验的妇女符合条件。在我们的队列中,过去15年中CIS +的累积发生率(CI)约为0.45%。针对CIS +的70%VE(功率为80%)需要3357–3189 HPV16 / 18疫苗接种者,3357–3189其他疫苗接种者和6714–9567未接种疫苗的对照。现在,我们已经招募了2404位HPV16 / 18疫苗接种者,2404位甲型肝炎疫苗接种者和5130位未接种疫苗的对照。除了我们先前在另一项III期试验中的入组外,该入组还保证了足够的功能,因此,到2020年,我们可以最终提供HPV16 / 18疫苗针对CIS +的有效性数据。



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