首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Social Economics >An empirical relationship between financial development indicators and human capital in some selected Asian countries

An empirical relationship between financial development indicators and human capital in some selected Asian countries


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between financial development indicators and human capital for Asian countries using the annual data from 1984-2013. Design/methodology/approach - The stationarity of the variables are checked by Levin-Lin-Chu, Im-Pesaran-Shin, Fisher-type augmented Dickey-Fuller and Philips-Perron panel unit-root tests. The Pedroni's and Kao's panel co-integration approaches are employed to examine the long-run relationship among the variables. To estimate the coefficients of co-integrating vectors, both panel dynamic ordinary least squares (PDOLS) and fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) techniques are used. The short-term and long-run causality is examined by panel granger causality. Findings - The Pedroni's and Kao's co-integration approaches support the existence of the long-run relationship among the indicators of financial development, economic growth and human capital. The PDOLS and FMOLS estimators revealed that both financial development indicators and economic growth variable act as an important driver for the increase in human capital. The results of panel granger causality indicate that causality runs from indicators of financial development, economic growth and public spending on education to human capital. Originality/value - There is hardly any study that examine the impact of financial development indicators and economic growth on human capital in Asian economies, therefore the present study fill the research gap in the literature.
机译:目的-本文的目的是使用1984-2013年的年度数据调查亚洲国家金融发展指标与人力资本之间的关系。设计/方法/方法-变量的平稳性通过Levin-Lin-Chu,Im-Pesaran-Shin,Fisher型增强Dickey-Fuller和Philips-Perron面板单位根检验进行检查。 Pedroni和Kao的面板协整方法用于检验变量之间的长期关系。为了估计协整矢量的系数,使用了面板动态普通最小二乘法(PDOLS)和完全修改的普通最小二乘法(FMOLS)技术。短期和长期因果关系通过面板格兰杰因果关系进行检验。研究结果-Pedroni和Kao的整合方法支持金融发展,经济增长和人力资本指标之间存在长期关系。 PDOLS和FMOLS估计量表明,金融发展指标和经济增长变量都是人力资本增加的重要驱动力。面板格兰杰因果关系结果表明,因果关系来自金融发展,经济增长和公共教育支出到人力资本的指标。原创性/价值-几乎没有研究检查金融发展指标和经济增长对亚洲经济体人力资本的影响,因此,本研究填补了文献中的研究空白。



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