首页> 外文期刊>International journal of river basin management >Towards integrated flood management along the lower Rhine and Mississippi Rivers and the international legacy of the 2005 New Orleans Hurricanes Katrina-Rita flood disaster

Towards integrated flood management along the lower Rhine and Mississippi Rivers and the international legacy of the 2005 New Orleans Hurricanes Katrina-Rita flood disaster


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Large lowland rivers and deltas with high concentrations of human activities are vulnerable to different forms of global environmental change and depend upon effective flood management. This study utilizes the approaches and experiences of the lower Mississippi (Louisiana) and lower Rhine Rivers (the Netherlands) to examine the development of integrated flood management (IFM). The development of an 'integrated' approach to flood management informed by climate change science and oriented to environmental restoration is strongly present in Europe, and the Netherlands in particular. The epic 2005 New Orleans flood disaster associated with Hurricanes Katrina-Rita represented a paradigm change in flood management with international implications, and in particular the management of embanked floodplains. In contrast to the 'incremental' evolutionary model of flood management in the Netherlands, the US and lower Mississippi are characterized by large 'pendulum' style changes in flood management, alternating from federal-to local-scale dominance with the environmental change being a lower priority. An important distinction between the lower Rhine and Mississippi is the governmental structure of management, and particularly the role of local-scale entities. US flood management is more top-down than Dutch flood management, with Dutch water boards having more input into water management than US levee boards. The Dutch approach, by comparison, provides elasticity to develop a true 'integrated' approach to flood management adaptable to global environmental change and suited for environmental management and restoration. The 2005 New Orleans and Gulf Coast flood disaster initiated a new era of US flood management characterized by the return of a robust federal presence, and stimulated an international exchange of ideas regarding IFM that embraces climate change science and environmental restoration.
机译:人类活动高度集中的大型低地河流和三角洲容易受到不同形式的全球环境变化的影响,并依赖有效的洪水管理。本研究利用密西西比河下游(路易斯安那州)和莱茵河下游(荷兰)的方法和经验来研究综合洪水管理(IFM)的发展。在欧洲,尤其是荷兰,大力倡导以气候变化科学为基础,面向环境恢复的“综合”洪水管理方法。与卡特里娜飓风飓风相关的2005年新奥尔良史诗般的洪灾代表了洪水管理的模式变化,具有国际影响,尤其是堤岸漫滩的管理。与荷兰洪水管理的“增量式”进化模型相反,美国和密西西比州下游地区的洪水管理方式具有较大的“钟摆”式变化,从联邦到地方的主导地位交替出现,而环境变化较低优先。下莱茵河和密西西比河之间的一个重要区别是政府的管理结构,尤其是地方实体的作用。美国的防洪管理比荷兰的防洪管理更自上而下,荷兰的水务局比美国的堤防局对水务管理的投入更大。相比之下,荷兰的方法提供了弹性,可以开发出一种真正的“综合”方法来进行洪水管理,以适应全球环境变化并适用于环境管理和恢复。 2005年的新奥尔良和墨西哥湾沿岸洪水灾害开创了美国洪水管理的新纪元,其特征是强大的联邦势力得以恢复,并激发了有关IFM的国际思想交流,其中包括气候变化科学和环境恢复。



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