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Climate Terror: A Critical Geopolitics of Climate Change


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The Copenhagen accord, recently signed by representatives of most of the leading nations of the world, even shortened the differences between the United States and BASIC countries, stipulated some gas emission pledges that were limited according to the size of GNP (Gross national product). As a result of this, the consensus envisaged a gap between developed and under-developed nations in their respective margins to contaminate. As the previous backdrop, it is not otiose that climate change posited as one of the main threats for humankind, but no less true is that it accelerated the acceptance of a new irregular scheme for greenhouse gas emission in order for nations to implement in the years to come. This suggests that we are still thinking the environmental problems in economic terms. Hence some radical voices recently suggest that beyond the urgency implemented by climate change underlies a discourse of tear, which imposes a disciplinary mechanism to regulate the ebbs and flows of market. Such a point ushered exactly Sanjay Chatuvedi and Timothy Doyle into a difficult dilemma, which is addressed through the book Climate Terror: a critical geopolitics of climate change.
机译:最近由世界上大多数主要国家的代表签署的哥本哈根协议,甚至缩短了美国与BASIC国家之间的差距,并规定了一些气体排放承诺,这些承诺根据GNP(国民生产总值)的大小而受到限制。因此,协商一致意见设想发达国家和不发达国家之间在各自的污染范围上存在差距。作为以前的背景,并不是很自然地将气候变化定为人类的主要威胁之一,但同样真实的是,它加速了人们对新的不规则温室气体排放计划的接受,以便各国在几年内实施。来。这表明我们仍然从经济角度考虑环境问题。因此,一些激进的声音最近表明,除了气候变化所带来的紧迫性之外,还有一种眼泪的话语,它强加了纪律机制来调节市场的涨跌。这样的观点恰好将桑贾伊·查特韦迪(Sanjay Chatuvedi)和蒂莫西·道尔(Timothy Doyle)引入了一个艰难的困境,这可以通过《气候恐怖:气候变化的关键地缘政治学》一书解决。



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