首页> 外文期刊>International journal of remote sensing >Wintertime high-resolution features of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a fields associated with oceanic fronts in the southern East China Sea

Wintertime high-resolution features of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a fields associated with oceanic fronts in the southern East China Sea


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The southern East China Sea (ECS) and the sea north of Taiwan comprise an important transit area between the coastal waters of mainland China and the open water of the western North Pacific. Their wintertime dynamical features were examined using long-term high-resolution satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) images. Along the Chinese coast, a cold-water tongue with an SST of less than 15℃ extended southwestwards from the ECS in December, intruded into the Taiwan Strait (TS) in January, and extended further southwestwards in February. Conforming with the cold SST development, the Chl-a concentration starts to increase along the 50-m isobath. However, in the sea north of Taiwan, the SST and the Chl-a front between the shelf region and the eastern open ocean was semicircular in shape, left the shelf break and extended northeastwards. It was found that, along the semicircular Kuroshio front in the sea north of Taiwan, alternative cold and warm fronts appeared in the geographically fixed area in January and February. Based on the investigation of the snapshot SST images, their systematic appearance is attributed to an SST pattern similar to frontal eddies at the Kuroshio northern front. High concentrations of Chl-a (>2.0mg/m~3) were found at the warm front and the offshore cold front patch.
机译:东海南部和台湾北部是中国大陆沿海水域与北太平洋西部开放水域之间的重要过境区。使用长期高分辨率的卫星衍生海表温度(SST)和叶绿素-a(Chl-a)图像检查了它们的冬季动力特征。沿着中国沿海,SST低于15℃的冷水舌在12月从ECS向西南延伸,在1月侵入台湾海峡(TS),并在2月进一步向西南延伸。随着冷SST的发展,Chl-a的浓度沿等压线50 m开始增加。但是,在台湾北部海域,海温和陆架区域与东部大洋之间的Chl-a锋呈半圆形,离开陆架断裂并向东北延伸。人们发现,在台湾北部海域的半圆形黑潮锋中,在一月和二月的地理固定区域出现了交替的冷锋和暖锋。基于对SST快照图像的调查,它们的系统外观归因于SST模式,类似于黑潮北部锋面的前涡。在暖锋和近海冷锋斑片中发现高浓度的Chl-a(> 2.0mg / m〜3)。



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