首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Production Research >Family based dispatching in manufacturing networks

Family based dispatching in manufacturing networks


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Intrinsic to family based dispatching is the grouping of similar types of jobs in front of a machine for joint processing. Machine flow times may be improved in this way, as less time is spent on set-ups. Our observations in practice, however, suggest that family based dispatching may result in a bulky arrival pattern for successor manufacturing stages, thereby causing additional delay. So far, literature seems to neglect this effect. To explore this issue we develop queuing theoretical approximations of flow times for a simple two-stage shop. It appears that the optimal batch size for the shop is typically smaller than the optimal batch size for the batch machine. Furthermore, we propose extensions to existing dispatching rules by using information on successor stages. Existing and new extended rules are tested by an extensive simulation study. In line with the queuing theoretical analysis the outcomes indicate that exhaustive rules -assuming batch size to be equal to family queue length - are clearly outperformed by non-exhaustive rules - allowing for smaller batches. Moreover, results show that the inclusion of local information on successor stages in rule decision making improves shop flow times.



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