首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Primatology >Influence of Plant and Soil Chemistry on Food Selection, Ranging Patterns, and Biomass of Colobus guereza in Kakamega Forest, Kenya

Influence of Plant and Soil Chemistry on Food Selection, Ranging Patterns, and Biomass of Colobus guereza in Kakamega Forest, Kenya

机译:植物和土壤化学成分对肯尼亚卡卡梅加森林中lob(Colobus guereza)食物选择,分布模式和生物量的影响

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Nutritional factors are among the most important influences on primate food choice. We examined the influence of macronutrients, minerals, and secondary compounds on leaf choices by members of a foli-frugivorous population of eastern black-and-white colobus—or guerezas (Colobus guereza)—inhabiting the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Macronutrients exerted a complex influence on guereza leaf choice at Kakamega. At a broad level, protein content was the primary factor determining whether or not guerezas consumed specific leaf items, with eaten leaves at or above a protein threshold of ca. 14% dry matter. However, a finer grade analysis considering the selection ratios of only items eaten revealed that fiber played a much greater role than protein in influencing the rates at which different items were eaten relative to their abundance in the forest. Most minerals did not appear to influence leaf choice, though guerezas did exhibit strong selectivity for leaves rich in zinc. Guerezas avoided most leaves high in secondary compounds, though their top food item (Prunus africana mature leaves) contained some of the highest condensed tannin concentrations of any leaves in their diet. Kakamega guerezas periodically traveled great distances to exploit rare foods (bark from exotic Myrtaceae trees and soil) outside their normal home ranges. Our results suggest that these journeys were driven by the fact that these rare foods contained exceptionally high sodium concentrations, a mineral believed to be deficient in the guereza's usual diet. Lastly, our results are consistent with the pattern established across other Paleotropical rain forests in which colobine biomass can be predicted by the protein-to-fiber ratio in mature leaves. Of the 8 rain forests for which the relevant data are available, Kakamega features the second highest mature leaf protein-to-fiber ratio as well as the second highest colobine biomass.
机译:营养因素是对灵长类食物选择最重要的影响之一。我们研究了居住在肯尼亚卡卡梅加森林中的东部黑白疣猴(或guerezas(Colobus guerezas))的叶食性种群中,常量营养素,矿物质和次要化合物对叶片选择的影响。在卡卡梅加(Kakamega),常量营养素对游gue叶片的选择产生了复杂的影响。从广义上讲,蛋白质含量是决定guerezas是否食用特定叶片项目的主要因素,而食用叶片的蛋白质阈值等于或高于ca。 14%干物质。但是,仅考虑食用食物的选择比率的更精细的等级分析表明,相对于森林中不同食物的摄入量,纤维在影响食物摄入速率方面比蛋白质发挥更大的作用。尽管guerezas确实对富含锌的叶子表现出很强的选择性,但大多数矿物似乎都不会影响叶子的选择。格雷雷斯(Guerezas)避免了大多数叶片中富含次生化合物,尽管它们的顶级食品(非洲李成熟叶片)在饮食中所含叶片中的单宁浓度最高。 Kakamega guerezas定期走很远的距离,以在其正常居住范围以外开采稀有食物(来自异国桃金娘科树木和土壤的树皮)。我们的结果表明,这些旅程是由以下事实驱动的:这些稀有食物含有异常高的钠浓度,据信这种矿物质缺乏guereza的日常饮食。最后,我们的结果与在其他古热带雨林中建立的模式一致,在该模式中,可以通过成熟叶片中的蛋白质/纤维比预测钴胺生物量。在可获得相关数据的8个雨林中,Kakamega的成熟叶片蛋白/纤维比值第二高,而钴胺素生物量第二高。



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