首页> 外文期刊>International journal of mobile network design and innovation >A location and mobility independent scheme to quantify the neighbourhood stability of a node in mobile sensor networks

A location and mobility independent scheme to quantify the neighbourhood stability of a node in mobile sensor networks


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We propose to quantify the neighbourhood stability of a node without using the location and mobility information of the nodes in a mobile sensor network (MSN). We make use of the notion of Jaccard similarity to quantify the similarity in the sets of neighbours of a node between any two successive sampling time instants and compute the weighted average of the Jaccard neighbourhood similarity (WJNS) over a period of time. Our hypothesis is that nodes with larger WJNS scores have a stable neighbourhood and could be preferred for inclusion as intermediate nodes for stable paths. We validate our hypothesis through extensive simulations: The lifetime of the WJNS-based paths is significantly larger than that of the minimum hop paths and the predicted link expiration time (LET)-based paths; the trade-off being a marginal increase in the hop count compared to that of the minimum hop paths. Keywords: neighbourhood stability; Jaccard similarity; mobile sensor networks; MSNs; stable paths; simulations.
机译:我们建议在不使用移动传感器网络(MSN)中节点的位置和移动性信息的情况下,量化节点的邻域稳定性。我们利用“ Jaccard相似性”的概念来量化任意两个连续采样时刻之间节点邻居集合中的相似性,并计算一段时间内“ Jaccard相似度”(WJNS)的加权平均值。我们的假设是,具有较大WJNS分数的节点具有稳定的邻域,因此可以优先选择作为稳定路径的中间节点。我们通过广泛的仿真验证了我们的假设:基于WJNS的路径的生存期显着大于最小跃点路径和基于预测的链路到期时间(LET)的路径;折衷是与最小跳数路径相比,跳数的边际增加。关键词:邻里稳定性贾卡德相似度;移动传感器网络; MSN;稳定的道路;模拟。



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