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Libya and the New Axis of Terror: Reshaping the Security Theater in MENA and Europe


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The exponential expansion of Islamist groups in both numbers and geographic scope to Libya and Syria between 2011 and 2017, and the subsequent refugee crisis it sparked, has led to a rapidly deteriorating human security theatre in the Middle East, North Africa, and the European Union. To illustrate the renaissance of violent Islamist movements in radicalizing and recruiting youth, during September 2011 al-Qaeda's army consisted of around 400 fighters. By 2017, the Islamic State's (ISIS) army alone had approximately 40,000 fighters, of whom roughly 6,000 came from Western Europe. The Islamic State itself, which was defeated in Mosul only after an unprecedented collaboration by otherwise antagonistic powers, was an emblem of Islamist achievement as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi established quasi-state strongholds in the most strategic countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)-hitherto a jihadist pipe dream. As Peter Neumann pointed out in his Radicalized: New Jihadists and Threat to the West: The "Islamic empire" that al Baghdadi proclaimed in a Friday sermon at the al-Nuri Mosque in the Iraqi city of Mosul surpassed every previous jihadist achievement. It stretched for more than 500 miles, sat at the heart of the Islamic world, was within striking distance of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, the holiest cities of Islam-and on top of all that-it wiped away the hated Sykes-Picot border, which millions of Arabs consider a symbol of colonial division and oppression. Al-Baghdadi had overshadowed his internal rival, al-Julani, his previous group, al-Qaeda, the great Osama bin Laden and even his role model Zarqawi, all in a single stroke.
机译:2011年至2017年间,伊斯兰教徒团体的数量和地理范围呈指数级扩张至利比亚和叙利亚,并引发了随后的难民危机,导致中东,北非和欧盟的人类安全战场迅速恶化。为了说明激进的伊斯兰运动在复兴和招募青年方面的复兴,“基地”组织的军队在2011年9月由约400名战士组成。到2017年,仅伊斯兰国(ISIS)军队就有大约40,000名战斗人员,其中大约6,000名来自西欧。伊斯兰国本身是摩苏尔的象征,这是伊斯兰成就的象征,因为阿布·巴克·巴格达迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)在中东和北非最具战略意义的国家/地区建立了准国家据点(中东-迄今为止,是圣战者的梦想。正如彼得·纽曼(Peter Neumann)在他的《激进主义者:新圣战分子和对西方的威胁》中指出的那样,巴格达迪在星期五的讲道中,在伊拉克摩苏尔的al-Nuri清真寺宣告的“伊斯兰帝国”超越了圣战分子的所有成就。它绵延了500多英里,位于伊斯兰世界的心脏地带,距离麦加,麦地那和耶路撒冷,伊斯兰教最神圣的城市以及最重要的城市仅咫尺之遥,它消除了仇恨的赛克斯-皮科特边界,成千上万的阿拉伯人将其视为殖民分裂和压迫的象征。 Al-Baghdadi一口气就盖过了他的内部竞争对手al-Julani,他的前组织al-Qaeda,伟大的Osama bin Laden甚至他的榜样Zarqawi。



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