首页> 外文期刊>International journal of intelligence and counter intelligence >Terrorism-Centric Behavior Recognition and Adversarial Threat Forecasting

Terrorism-Centric Behavior Recognition and Adversarial Threat Forecasting


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Analyzing raw information collected by humans to characterize prospective adversarial threats is a core function of intelligence, colloquially referred to as the "world's second oldest profession," and dates back across multiple millennia to antiquity. For example, Homer's epic poem The Illiad refers to the use of spies by the Greeks and Trojans. The Book of Joshua, presumably written long after the events inthat narrative potentially happened, similarly provides a simplified account of the Israelites' military invasion of Palestine, including the story of Joshua sending spies to Jericho to conduct reconnaissance and investigate the Canaanites' weaknesses. Sun Tzu's classic The Art of War and Machiavelli's The Prince also point to the value of human collection. This type of information can assist analysts in generating intelligence that is timely, relevant, and accurate, thereby serving to inform decisionmaking.
机译:分析人类收集的原始信息以表征潜在的对抗性威胁是情报的一项核心功能,俗称“世界第二古老的职业”,可以追溯到几千年前的古代。例如,荷马史诗《 The Illiad》是指希腊人和特洛伊人对间谍的使用。大概是在叙事可能发生的事件发生之后很久才写的《约书亚记》,类似地简化了以色列人对巴勒斯坦的军事入侵,包括约书亚派遣间谍到耶利哥进行侦察和调查迦南人弱点的故事。孙子的经典《孙子兵法》和马基雅维利的《王子》也指出了人类收藏的价值。这种类型的信息可以帮助分析人员生成及时,相关和准确的情报,从而为决策提供依据。



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