首页> 外文期刊>International journal of intelligence and counter intelligence >Reconciling Democracy and the Protection of State Secrets in South Africa

Reconciling Democracy and the Protection of State Secrets in South Africa


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South Africa has had a tortuous legal past. Its racial discrimination and segregation system, initiated by colonial rulers, became legal under of the National Party's system of apartheid from 1948 to 1994. Under the appearance of the rule of law, non-whites were marginalized in all aspects of life, forcibly confined to geographic areas, and prevented from participating in decisions affecting their country's destiny. Among the legal instruments used by the National Party to maintain its hold on power was a British-derived Official Secrets Act, which was replaced by the equally vague Protection of Information Act 84 of 1982 that remained largely intact for years until it rapidly became outdated in a post-apartheid context. As the Constitutional Court of South Africa noted in obiter in 2008, "the outdated Protection of Information Act 84 of 1982 needs to be replaced by a statute that takes account of present day constitutional and social realities."
机译:南非在法律上有着曲折的过去。由殖民统治者发起的种族歧视和种族隔离制度从1948年至1994年在国民党的种族隔离制度下成为合法制度。在法治的面貌下,非白人在生活的各个方面都被边缘化,被迫局限于地理区域,并阻止他们参与影响其国家命运的决策。国民党用来维持其权力的法律文书包括英国衍生的《官方机密法》,该法由同样模糊的1982年的《信息保护法》 84所取代,该法多年来一直保持完整,直到在2003年迅速过时。种族隔离后的背景。正如南非宪法法院在2008年指出的那样,“过时的1982年第84号信息保护法需要由考虑到当今宪法和社会现实的法规所取代。”



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