首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information Management >Public sector information management in east and southern Africa: Implications for FOI, democracy and integrity in government

Public sector information management in east and southern Africa: Implications for FOI, democracy and integrity in government


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Sound management of information contained in records and other information systems in the public sector is the sine qua non of democratic governance. For effective access to government held information, Freedom of Information (FOI) legislations impose significant duties and responsibilities on public authorities to give access to information. FOI legislation is premised on the principle that effective records management enables authorities to enforce wider government agenda to increase openness, transparency, trust and accountability in the public sector. Effective access, management and exploitation of official information are the means by which governments can demonstrate accountability and transparency in the use of public resources, expose corruption and fraud, protect citizens' rights, as well as improve overall service delivery to citizens.rnThis paper reviews management of public sector information contained in records and implications for enhancing freedom of access to information, democracy and integrity in governments within east and southern Africa. The authors point out that as democracy and good governance gain momentum especially in developing world, governments in east and southern Africa have one critical factor that is yet to receive adequate attention, namely the role played by information management in enhancing democracy, transparency, accountability and integrity in government. Besides, though constitutions of most east and southern African countries provide for the right and freedom of access to information as a tool to enhance democracy and good governance, state interference from time to time hampers such rights and freedoms to be exercised. The authors proffer the way forward for east and southern Africa.
机译:合理管理公共部门记录和其他信息系统中包含的信息是民主治理的必要条件。为了有效地获取政府拥有的信息,信息自由(FOI)立法对公共当局赋予了获取信息的重要职责。 FOI立法的前提是有效的记录管理使当局能够执行更广泛的政府议程,以增加公共部门的公开性,透明度,信任度和问责制。有效访问,管理和利用官方信息是政府展示公共资源使用中的问责制和透明度,暴露腐败和欺诈,保护公民权利以及改善向公民提供整体服务的方式。管理记录中包含的公共部门信息,以及对东部和南部非洲各国政府加强信息获取自由,民主和廉正的影响。作者指出,随着民主和善政的发展,尤其是在发展中国家,势力迅猛发展,东部和南部非洲的政府有一个尚未得到足够重视的关键因素,即信息管理在增强民主,透明度,问责制和发展方面所发挥的作用。政府诚信。此外,尽管大多数东部和南部非洲国家的宪法都规定了获取信息的权利和自由,以此作为加强民主和善政的工具,但国家不时干涉,阻碍了行使这些权利和自由。作者为东非和南部非洲指明了前进的方向。



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