首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information and Management Sciences >A New Data Mining Method Based on Relational Graphs of Products

A New Data Mining Method Based on Relational Graphs of Products


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Data mining is a technique to extract implicit knowledge from raw data. In recent years, many methods have been proposed to deal with data mining. In this paper, we propose a new data mining method based on relational graphs of products. The proposed method statistically analyzes the buying relationships or associations between customers and products. It constructs the relational graphs of products, and generates the corresponding association rules and serial rules from the constructed relational graphs. The proposed method is an incremental data mining method. It uses the relational graphs as a visualization tool to describe the relationships among product pairs in the transactional database. It obtains the occurrence frequency of each itemset from the transactional database statistically and constructs the relational graph. Then, it finds out the complete β-polygon sets (i.e., frequent β-itemsets) from the constructed relational graph whose associated values of edges are larger than the frequency threshold value α by using a graph search method, where α ≥ 0, β ≥ 2, and α and β are user-defined positive integers. We choose the minimum value for α to prune the least number of edges from the relational graph and choose the maximum value for β to find the maximum complete β-polygon set. Based on the derived maximum complete β-polygon sets, it generates association rules and serial rules of length γ, where γ ≥ 3. Finally, it calculates the minimum support and minimum confidence values of the generated rules, respectively. The proposed method can generate association rules and serial rules from raw data in a more flexible and more intelligent manner than the existing methods.
机译:数据挖掘是一种从原始数据中提取隐式知识的技术。近年来,已经提出了许多方法来处理数据挖掘。本文提出了一种基于产品关系图的数据挖掘新方法。所提出的方法对客户和产品之间的购买关系或关联进行统计分析。它构造产品的关系图,并从构造的关系图中生成相应的关联规则和序列规则。所提出的方法是一种增量数据挖掘方法。它使用关系图作为可视化工具来描述交易数据库中产品对之间的关​​系。它从交易数据库中统计地获得每个项目集的出现频率,并构造关系图。然后,通过使用图搜索方法,从所构建的关系图的边缘关联值大于频率阈值α的情况下,找到完整的β多边形集(即频繁的β项集)。 ≥2,并且α和β是用户定义的正整数。我们选择α的最小值以从关系图中修剪最少的边,并选择β的最大值以找到最大的完整β多边形集。基于导出的最大完整β多边形集,它生成长度为γ的关联规则和序列规则,其中γ≥3。最后,它分别计算生成规则的最小支持度和最小置信度值。所提出的方法可以比现有方法更灵活,更智能地从原始数据生成关联规则和串行规则。



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