首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information and Management Sciences >An M/G/1 Queue with an Optional Second Vacation

An M/G/1 Queue with an Optional Second Vacation

机译:带有可选第二休假的M / G / 1队列

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This paper deals with an M/G/1 queueing system with an additional phase of second vacation, where after first phase of regular vacation the server may take an optional second vacation. In this paper we first derive the queue size distributions at a random epoch and at a departure epoch. Next we obtain the Laplace Stieltjes tranform of waiting time distribution. Also we obtain some important system performance measures of this model. Finally, we present a transformation free method to obtain the mean unfinished work.
机译:本文讨论的是M / G / 1排队系统,该系统具有第二个休假的附加阶段,其中在常规休假的第一阶段之后,服务器可能会选择第二个休假。在本文中,我们首先导出随机时间和离开时间的队列大小分布。接下来,我们获得等待时间分布的Laplace Stieltjes变换。我们还获得了该模型的一些重要系统性能指标。最后,我们提出了一种无变换的方法来获得平均未完成的工作。



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