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Upgrade goes ahead at Wivenhoe pumped-storage, Australia


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An A$ 13.5 million (US $ 10.3 million) upgrade to the Wivenhoe pumped-storage station in Queensland, Australia, is underway, it was announced by owner-operator CS Energy in early August. An overhaul of unit 1 of the 500 MW plant is being carried out by Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Crown Engineering, McElligotts Painting and Berg Engineering to ensure its continued operation at peak condition into the future. Commissioned in 1984, Wivenhoe, which is equipped with two 250 MW units, is the only pumped-storage plant in Queensland. The upper reservoir is impounded by the Splityard Creek dam; the lower reservoir, Lake Wivenhoe, was created by the damming of the river Brisbane. The Splityard Creek reservoir has a capacity of 23.3 × 10~6 m~3, which is sufficient capacity for 10 hours of continuous power generation. It takes about 14 hours of pumping to refill it.
机译:业主兼运营商CS Energy于8月初宣布,将对澳大利亚昆士兰州的Wivenhoe抽水蓄能电站进行一项1,350万澳元(1,030万美元)的升级。三菱日立电力系统,Crown Engineering,McElligotts Painting和Berg Engineering正在对500 MW机组的1号机组进行大修,以确保其在未来的高峰状态下继续运行。配备了两个250 MW机组的Wivenhoe于1984年投入运行,是昆士兰州唯一的抽水蓄能电站。上层水库被斯普利代德克里克大坝所包围。下水库维文霍湖是布里斯班河的筑坝工程。 Splityard Creek水库的容量为23.3×10〜6 m〜3,足以满足10个小时的连续发电需求。抽水大约需要14个小时。



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