首页> 外文期刊>International journal of hydrogen energy >Air quality impacts of fuel cell electric hydrogen vehicles with high levels of renewable power generation

Air quality impacts of fuel cell electric hydrogen vehicles with high levels of renewable power generation


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The introduction of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) operating on hydrogen is a key strategy to mitigate pollutant emissions from the light duty vehicle (LDV) transportation sector in pursuit of air quality (AQ) improvements. Further, concomitant increases in renewable power generation could assist in achieving benefits via electrolysis-provided hydrogen as a vehicle fuel. However, it is unclear (1) reductions in emissions translate to changes in primary and secondary pollutant concentrations and (2) how effects compare to those from emissions in other transport sectors including heavy duty vehicles (HDV). This work assesses how the adoption of FCEVs in counties expected to support alternative LDV technologies affect atmospheric concentrations of ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) throughout California (CA) in the year 2055 relative to a gasoline vehicle baseline. Further, impacts of reducing HDV emissions are explored to facilitate comparison among technology classes. A base year emissions inventory is grown to 2055 representing a business as-usual progression of economic sectors, including primarily petroleum fuel consumption by LDV and HDVs. Emissions are spatially and temporally resolved and used in simulations of atmospheric chemistry and transport to evaluate distributions of primary and secondary pollutants respective to baseline. Results indicate that light-duty FCEV Cases achieve significant reductions in ozone and PM2.5 when LDV market shares reach 50-100% in early adoption counties, including areas distant from deployment sites. Reflecting a cleaner LDV baseline fleet in 2055, emissions from HDVs impact ozone and PM2.5 at comparable or greater levels than light duty FCEVs. Additionally, the importance of emissions from petroleum fuel infrastructure (PFI) activity is demonstrated in impacts on ozone and PM2.5 burdens, with large refinery complexes representing a key source of air pollution in 2055. Results presented provide insight into light duty FCEV deployment strategies that can achieve maximum reductions in ozone and PM2.5 and will assist decision makers in developing effective transportation sector AQ mitigation strategies. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC.
机译:引入以氢为燃料的燃料电池电动汽车(FCEV)是减轻轻型汽车(LDV)运输部门污染物排放以改善空气质量(AQ)的一项重要策略。此外,伴随可再生能源发电的增加可以通过电解提供的氢作为车辆燃料来帮助实现收益。但是,目前尚不清楚(1)排放的减少转化为主要和次要污染物浓度的变化,以及(2)与包括重型车辆(HDV)在内的其他运输部门的排放相比,其影响如何。这项工作评估了预计到2055年相对于汽油车基准,在预计将支持替代LDV技术的县中采用FCEV会如何影响整个加利福尼亚(CA)的大气臭氧浓度和细颗粒物(PM2.5)。此外,探索了减少HDV排放的影响,以促进技术类别之间的比较。基准年排放清单增加到2055年,代表了经济部门的往常情况,主要包括LDV和HDV的石油燃料消耗。排放在空间和时间上得到分解,并用于模拟大气化学和运输,以评估与基准线对应的主要和次要污染物的分布。结果表明,在早期采用县(包括远离部署地点的地区)中,LDV市场份额达到50-100%时,轻型FCEV案例实现了臭氧和PM2.5的大幅减少。相对于轻型FCEV,HDV的排放量反映了2055年更清洁的LDV基准车队,对臭氧和PM2.5的影响相当或更高。此外,石油燃料基础设施(PFI)活动产生的排放的重要性在对臭氧和PM2.5负荷的影响中得到了证明,大型炼油厂是2055年空气污染的主要来源。所提供的结果为轻型FCEV部署策略提供了见识。可以最大程度地减少臭氧和PM2.5的排放量,并将帮助决策者制定有效的交通运输部门AQ缓解策略。 (C)2016由Elsevier Ltd代表Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC发布。



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