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On the treatment of open boundary condition for radiative transfer equation


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When the open boundary locates in the high-temperature zone and the temperature gradient is large, the error resulted from the open boundary to be treated as a black wall with local temperature may be very large and cannot be omitted. In order to get the reasonable numerical results, the open boundary needs to be set up far from the interesting zone more than 1.0 optical thickness if the open boundary of computational domain is treated as a black wall with local temperature. When the isothermal zone after the open boundary of computational domain is longer than 1.0 optical thickness, the errors resulting from taking the open boundary of computational domain as a black wall with local temperature are small, even if the open boundary of computational domain locates in high-temperature zone.
机译:当开放边界位于高温区域且温度梯度较大时,由开放边界导致的被视为局部温度的黑墙所引起的误差可能会很大,无法避免。为了获得合理的数值结果,如果将计算域的开放边界视为具有局部温度的黑墙,则需要将开放边界设置为与感兴趣区域相距大于1.0光学厚度。当计算域的开放边界位于较高的光学厚度后的等温区大于1.0光学厚度时,即使计算域的开放边界位于较高的温度,将计算域的开放边界作为具有局部温度的黑墙而导致的误差也较小。 -温度区。



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