首页> 外文期刊>International journal of geomechanics >Geotechnical Centrifuge Modeling of Chloride Diffusion through Soils

Geotechnical Centrifuge Modeling of Chloride Diffusion through Soils


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Geotechnical centrifuge modeling provides a means of accelerating the transport of contaminants through a soil matrix. Contaminant transport mechanisms occurring in the geotechnical centrifuge model can be used to verify various mathematical and analytical models. This technical note presents modeling of chloride (Cl) diffusion through soils in a geotechnical centrifuge. Acceleration level, N, of 100 g was used for centrifuge modeling of Cl migration through 7.5-m-deep soil strata for a period of 150 and 600 days. From the centrifuge test results, the Reynolds number, R, and Peclet number, P, were found to be several orders less than unity. This indicates that the dominant Cl transport mechanism in the soil is diffusion. Finite-element modeling was performed, using SEEP/W and CTRAN/W, to validate the experimental results, and excellent matching has been obtained. The study also highlights that geotechnical centrifuge modeling can be used as a viable alternative to field scale experimentation.
机译:岩土离心机建模提供了一种加速污染物通过土壤基质传输的方法。岩土工程离心模型中发生的污染物迁移机制可用于验证各种数学和分析模型。本技术说明介绍了岩土离心机中氯化物(Cl)在土壤中扩散的模型。 100 g的加速水平N用于离心模拟Cl在150米和600天的时间内穿过7.5 m深的土壤层的迁移。从离心机测试结果中,发现雷诺数(R)和佩克利特数(P)比单位小几个数量级。这表明土壤中主要的Cl运移机制是扩散。使用SEEP / W和CTRAN / W进行了有限元建模,以验证实验结果,并获得了出色的匹配性。该研究还强调,岩土离心模型可以用作现场规模试验的可行替代方案。



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