首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Fracture >Predicting crack propagation with peridynamics: a comparative study

Predicting crack propagation with peridynamics: a comparative study


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The fidelity of the peridynamic theory in predicting fracture is investigated through a comparative study. Peridynamic predictions for fracture propagation paths and speeds are compared against various experimental observations. Furthermore, these predictions are compared to the previous predictions from extended finite elements (XFEM) and the cohesive zone model (CZM). Three different fracture experiments are modeled using peridynamics: two experimental benchmark dynamic fracture problems and one experimental crack growth study involving the impact of a matrix plate with a stiff embedded inclusion. In all cases, it is found that the peridynamic simulations capture fracture paths, including branching and microbranching that are in agreement with experimental observations. Crack speeds computed from the peridynamic simulation are on the same order as those of XFEM and CZM simulations. It is concluded that the peridynamic theory is a suitable analysis method for dynamic fracture problems involving multiple cracks with complex branching patterns.



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