
Towards an Australian hydrogen economy


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The term 'hydrogen economy' was first coined in 1970 by John Bockris, an electrochemist who was working in Australia at the time. He gave an updated definition of what he meant by the term in 2002 as: '... the hydrogen economy means that hydrogen would be used to transport energy from renew-ables, at nuclear or solar sources, over larger distances, and to store it to supply the cities in large amounts.' Australia is an energy-rich country with a wide variety of energy resources. As such there is little urgency, to push towards Bockris's vision. Yet diminishing oil reserves, the increasing need to combat environmental impacts of power generation and use, and spiralling energy demand require research workers to take the first steps towards a long term Australian hydrogen economy future. This paper outlines some activities and progress towards that future.
机译:“氢经济”一词最早是由当时在澳大利亚工作的电化学家John Bockris于1970年提出的。他对他在2002年所用术语的定义作了更新的定义:“ ...氢经济意味着氢将用于从可再生能源,核能或太阳能来源输送更长距离的能量,并用于存储它可以为城市提供大量资源。”澳大利亚是一个能源丰富的国家,拥有多种能源。因此,没有什么紧迫感可以推动博克里斯的愿景。然而,石油储量减少,应对发电和使用对环境的影响的需求日益增加,以及能源需求的螺旋式增长,要求研究人员朝着澳大利亚长期氢经济的未来迈出第一步。本文概述了在未来的一些活动和进展。



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