首页> 外文期刊>International journal of environment and waste management >The influence of atmospheric circulation and cloudiness on the intensity of temperature inversions in Sosnowiec (Upper Silesia, Southern Poland)

The influence of atmospheric circulation and cloudiness on the intensity of temperature inversions in Sosnowiec (Upper Silesia, Southern Poland)


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The paper presents research results of the thermal structure of the near-ground atmospheric layer (100 m) carried out in the years 1993-2005 in Sosnowiec. It is a city located in the central part of the most urbanised and industrialised Katowice Region in Poland. Research of seasonal changes in the frequency of near-ground inversions of temperature revealed their most frequent occurrence on clear winter days. In this season, temperature inversions can sometimes persist for the whole day and night. Air temperature inversions over Sosnowiec occur mainly during anticyclonic stagnation (Ca-anticyclone centre and Ka-anticyclonic ridge) and in anticyclones with air advection from the south and southwest (Sa and SWa).
机译:本文介绍了1993年至2005年在Sosnowiec进行的近地大气层(100 m)热结构的研究结果。它是波兰最城市化和工业化程度最高的卡托维兹地区中部的城市。对近地温度反转频率的季节变化的研究表明,它们在晴朗的冬季最频繁发生。在这个季节,温度反转有时会持续一整天。 Sosnowiec上的气温反转主要发生在反气旋停滞期间(Ca-反气旋中心和Ka-反气旋洋脊),以及发生在南,西南风平流的反气旋中(Sa和SWa)。



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