首页> 外文期刊>International journal of entrepreneurial behaviour & research >Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intention: do entrepreneurial creativity and education matter?

Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intention: do entrepreneurial creativity and education matter?


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a "moderated-mediation model" covering the nexus between entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and entrepreneurial intentions (EIs) by comparing an emerging market (China) and a mature market (Spain). By drawing on the theory of planned behaviour and self-efficacy, this study theorizes that entrepreneurial creativity (EC) and attitudes towards entrepreneurship (ATE) mediate the relationship between ESI and EIs; moreover, entrepreneurial education (EE) moderates these relationships. Design/methodology/approach This research employs a survey-based methodology and uses a 37-item questionnaire for a total sample of 808 student respondents from both countries. Further, the study employs the structural equation modelling and confirmatory factor analysis to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings The results indicate that EC and ATE positively mediate the relationship between ESI and EI. Further, with EE, individuals can efficiently develop EC to successfully nurture their EIs, regardless of their countries' economic maturity.Practical implications - Being able to identify the importance of EC and education for future entrepreneurs is of definite concern for all the business eco-system: from intentions of young entrepreneurs to governments; new levers, facilitators and approaches, e.g. policies will be able to be adopted.Originality/value - This research provides valuable insights on the importance of EC and education in the determination of EIs in two very distinct markets for the first time.
机译:目的本文的目的是通过比较新兴市场(中国)和成熟市场(西班牙),提出一个“中等调解模型”,以涵盖企业家自我效能感(ESE)与企业家意图(EIs)之间的关系。 。通过使用计划的行为和自我效能理论,本研究得出理论,即企业家创造力(EC)和对企业家精神的态度(ATE)介导了ESI和EI之间的关系。此外,企业家教育(EE)调节了这些关系。设计/方法/方法这项研究采用基于调查的方法,并使用37个项目的问卷调查了来自两国的808名学生受访者的总样本。此外,该研究采用结构方程模型和验证性因子分析来检验提出的假设。结果结果表明,EC和ATE积极介导了ESI和EI之间的关系。此外,借助EE,个人可以有效地发展EC来成功培育自己的EI,而不受其国家/地区的经济成熟程度的影响。实际意义-能够确定EC和对未来企业家的教育意义是所有商业生态的绝对关注-制度:从年轻企业家的意图到政府;新的杠杆,促进者和方法,例如原创性/价值-这项研究首次提供了关于EC和教育在确定两个截然不同的市场中EI的重要性方面的宝贵见解。



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