首页> 外文期刊>International journal of electrical power and energy systems >Comprehensive framework for capacitor placement in distribution networks from the perspective of distribution system management in a restructured environment

Comprehensive framework for capacitor placement in distribution networks from the perspective of distribution system management in a restructured environment


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This paper presents a new and comprehensive Objective Function (OF) for capacitor placement in distribution networks. In this study, distribution network management's viewpoint toward identifying comprehensive OF to maximize the benefit of a distribution company is considered. In addition to considering active power loss cost and capacitor cost, two other important terms, i.e. cost of buying reactive power and voltage drop penalty for maximizing the benefit of distribution companies are considered in the OF. All actual conditions including time varying nature of load, annual load growth, time varying price of active and reactive power, and switchable and fixed capacitor are taken into account based on the reality. The profit derived from the proposed OF is compared with two other common OFs, and it is shown that the benefit achieved from the proposed OF is more than the two other OFs. The proposed OF is validated and tested on radial distribution systems with differing topologies and varying sizes and complexities. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文提出了一种新的,全面的目标函数(OF),用于在配电网中放置电容器。在这项研究中,考虑了分销网络管理的观点,即确定全面的OF来最大化分销公司的利益。除了考虑有功功率损耗成本和电容器成本外,在OF中还考虑了另外两个重要术语,即购买无功功率的成本和使配电公司的利益最大化的压降损失。根据实际情况,应考虑所有实际条件,包括负载随时间变化的性质,年度负载增长,有功和无功功率随时间变化的价格以及可开关和固定电容器。将提议的OF产生的利润与其他两个常见OF进行比较,结果表明,提议的OF获得的收益大于其他两个OF。提议的OF在具有不同拓扑结构,大小和复杂性的径向分布系统上进行了验证和测试。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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