首页> 外文期刊>International journal of electrical power and energy systems >Electric energy exchanges in interconnected regional utilities: A case study for a growing power system

Electric energy exchanges in interconnected regional utilities: A case study for a growing power system


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An analysis of estimating the electric energy production from different fuel sources and its exchanges between interconnected utilities has been performed, based on the historical trend of economic growth. We used a model that considers meeting the load by committed generators where capacity weighted availability has been factored in for generating units run by same types of fuel. The focus is on Bangladesh, in particular, studying energy exchanges between its different regions as well as potential international energy trading between selected countries in South East Asia (SEA). Another aspect of the paper is to study the utilization of energy resources with less possible negative environmental impacts. Our model also accommodates the effect of gradual/impulsive changes of energy generation and availability of different energy sources. The estimated values match well with the actual energy generation, as reported in Bangladesh power authority's publication. Based on the evaluated expected energy generation, oligopolistic energy market models with uncertainty/certainty have been proposed here to show the probable trading in private sector, and in the mix of private and public sector utilities. Market models also consider the potential cross-border trading. In addition, a power-flow study has been conducted to verify the quantitative nature of energy exchanges between regions. This analysis is intended to facilitate energy system planners and designers with the necessary tools to predict energy distribution in growing electric power systems.



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