首页> 外文期刊>International journal of electrical engineering and education >Deployment of reserve requirements into the power systems considering the cost, lost, and reliability parameters based on sustainable energy

Deployment of reserve requirements into the power systems considering the cost, lost, and reliability parameters based on sustainable energy


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Electric power systems allocate a certain amount of production capacity to provide uninterrupted power, which should be optimal and reliable. Thus, the power system can continue to operate regularly and sustainably without the need for a sudden interruption of some production units or an unforeseen load increase. For this, the optimum amount of reserves should be kept ready, which is one of the serious resources used by the power system to prevent fundamentally unpredictable failures. In this study, while the unit is being allocated, three parameters will be considered in determining the optimum reserve amount, which are the units with production costs, line losses, and reliability. In the system used as 22 Bus, each of these three impressive factors was analysed for the appropriate spinning reserve cost by adding an account and compared with eight different case studies. As a result of the calculations, the most reasonable cost of the result, in which line losses have a very low effect, evaluated in terms of production cost and reliability. As a result, when the reserve is allocated to the units in power systems, the right policy for the most appropriate planning is proposed to ensure sustainable and uninterrupted electricity.



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