首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecology & Enviromental Sciences >Assessment of Herpetofaunal Assemblage in Phakot and Pathri Rao Watershed Areas, Uttarakhand, India

Assessment of Herpetofaunal Assemblage in Phakot and Pathri Rao Watershed Areas, Uttarakhand, India


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We studied reptiles and amphibians in Phakot and Pathri Rao Watershed Areas falling in middle Himalayas and Shiwalik, respectively. Adaptive Cluster Sampling Method was used for forest floor reptile and stream transect for stream reptiles and amphibians. 10 and 12 species of reptiles were recorded in Phakot and Pathri Rao watershed areas, respectively. Similarly 4 species of amphibians were recorded in Phakot and 9 species in Pathri Rao. In total 16 species of reptiles were recorded and 9 species of amphibians. Forest floor density of reptiles in Phakot and Pathri Rao was 46.26 ha~(-1) and 86.9 ha~(-1), respectively. Reptilian diversity of Pathri Rao and Phakot was 0.825 and 0.692, respectively. Reptilian richness was higher in Pathri Rao (2.37) compared to Phakot (179). Amphibian density, diversity and richness were 15.6 ha~(-1), 0.47 and 0.77 in Phakot respectively. Amphibian density in Pathri Rao was 22.6 ha~(-1). The diversity and richness values were 0.57 and 1.29, respectively. Comparison showed Pathri Rao Watershed to be more rich and diverse than Phakot because of undisturbed habitat, broad and slow stream and more forest litter.
机译:我们分别研究了喜马拉雅中部和Shiwalik的Phakot和Pathri Rao流域地区的爬行动物和两栖动物。自适应簇采样方法用于林地爬行动物和溪流样带,用于溪流爬行动物和两栖动物。在Phakot和Pathri Rao流域,分别记录了10种和12种爬行动物。同样,在Phakot记录了4种两栖动物,在Pathri Rao记录了9种。总共记录了16种爬行动物和9种两栖动物。 Phakot和Pathri Rao的爬行动物的林底密度分别为46.26 ha〜(-1)和86.9 ha〜(-1)。 Pathri Rao和Phakot的爬行动物多样性分别为0.825和0.692。与Phakot(179)相比,Pathri Rao(2.37)的爬行动物丰富度更高。 Phakot的两栖动物密度,多样性和丰富度分别为15.6 ha〜(-1),0.47和0.77。 Pathri Rao中的两栖动物密度为22.6 ha〜(-1)。多样性和丰富度值分别为0.57和1.29。比较表明,Pathri Rao流域比生境更加丰富和多样,原因是栖息地不受干扰,溪流宽阔而缓慢,森林凋落物更多。



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