首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecology & Enviromental Sciences >An Ecological Study in the Buffer Zone of the Corbett Tiger Reserve: Prey Abundance and Habitat Conditions

An Ecological Study in the Buffer Zone of the Corbett Tiger Reserve: Prey Abundance and Habitat Conditions


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We studied prey abundance and habitat conditions in the buffer zone of the Corbett Tiger Reserve using a combination of sampling techniques based on direct and indirect evidences, langur (Presbytes entellus) and chital (Axis axis) were found to be the most abundant prey species in the buffer zone. The total prey biomass was estimated to be 2847 kg/km~2 and chital and sambar (Cervus unkolor) contributed 84% of it. Block-wise abundance of prey species based on the Forest Department data showed that 80% of the forest blocks had low prey biomass and these blocks were distributed in north. The density of chital estimated by line transect method appeared to be very high and was clearly an overestimate. The findings suggested that chital, nilgai and wild pig utilized areas with moderate to high levels of disturbance whereas sambar and barking deer showed clear avoidance for such areas. The forest in buffer zone was dominated by Shorea robusta with an IVI value of 98.2. The mean tree density was 279.7 trees/ha and it was highest in North Jashpur forest block. The highest shrub density was recorded in Nalkatta forest block. The estimates of mean density, diversity, richness and evenness for tree, shrub, grass and herb layers differed significantly between transects. The levels of disturbance factors especially, cutting, lopping, grazing and overall biotic pressure were found to range between low to high. There were 9 blocks in low, JO in medium and 7 blocks under high levels of biotic pressure. While attributes of tree and shrub layers showed no significant relationship with various disturbance factors except the proliferation of Lantana camara and other weed species in shrub layer, the attributes of grass and herb layer showed significant negative impact of disturbance factors in terms of reduction in grass and herb diversity, richness and evenness.
机译:我们基于直接和间接证据,结合取样技术,研究了Corbett老虎保护区缓冲区内的猎物丰富度和栖息地条件,发现叶猴(Presbytes entellus)和Chital(轴轴)是该地区最丰富的猎物物种。缓冲区。猎物的总生物量估计为2847 kg / km〜2,而手性和水鹿(Cervus unkolor)贡献了其中的84%。根据森林部的数据,按猎物种类的逐块丰富性表明,80%的森林块的猎物生物量较低,并且这些块分布在北部。通过线横断面法估计的手性金属的密度似乎很高,显然是高估了。研究结果表明,奇特,尼尔盖和野猪利用了中度到高度干扰的区域,而水鹿和吠鹿则清楚地避开了这些区域。缓冲带中的森林被肖拉罗布斯塔占主导,IVI值为98.2。平均树木密度为279.7棵/公顷,在北贾什普尔森林区中最高。 Nalkatta林区记录到最高的灌木密度。样带之间的树木,灌木,草和草本层的平均密度,多样性,丰富度和均匀度的估计差异很大。发现干扰因素的水平,特别是切割,砍伐,放牧和总体生物压力,范围从低到高。在低水平的生物压力下有9个块,中等的JO和7个块。除灌木层中马tana丹和其他杂草种类的繁殖外,树木和灌木层的属性与各种干扰因素没有显着关系,而草和草层的属性对减少草木和灌木层则表现出显着的干扰作用。草本植物的多样性,丰富性和均匀性。



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