首页> 外文期刊>International journal on digital libraries >Emerging language technologies and the rediscovery of the past: a research agenda

Emerging language technologies and the rediscovery of the past: a research agenda


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During 2001 and 2002, our Delos/NSF working group explored the possibilities that emerging language technologies open up for teaching, learning, and research in the broad area of cultural heritage. On the one hand, emerging language technologies will profoundly redefine the research and teaching of all those working with cultural heritage languages. At the same time, developers of language technology would also benefit from exploring the needs of new audiences and new collections. While multilingual technologies may ultimately prove the most revolutionary, this report focuses on monolingual technologies such as information extraction, summarization, and other aspects of document understanding. In this paper, we describe some of the audiences affected and technologies to be evaluated and argue for the creation of venues where the application of these technologies to cultural heritage materials can be rigorously evaluated. The potential impact of language technologies for our understanding of the past will emerge over a long period of time and will doubtless include many techniques not covered here. We make no claim to a comprehensive survey. Our goal is to provide enough information to suggest the potential importance of these new technologies.
机译:在2001年至2002年期间,我们的Delos / NSF工作组探索了新兴语言技术为广泛的文化遗产领域的教学,研究和研究开放的可能性。一方面,新兴语言技术将深刻地重新定义所有使用文化遗产语言的人们的研究和教学。同时,语言技术开发人员也将从探索新受众和新收藏的需求中受益。尽管多语种技术最终可能证明是最具革命性的,但本报告重点介绍了单语种技术,例如信息提取,摘要和文档理解的其他方面。在本文中,我们描述了一些受影响的受众和要评估的技术,并主张创建可以严格评估将这些技术应用于文化遗产材料的场所。语言技术对我们对过去的理解的潜在影响将在很长一段时间内浮现出来,并且无疑将包括此处未涵盖的许多技术。我们不要求进行全面调查。我们的目标是提供足够的信息,以表明这些新技术的潜在重要性。



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