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Welcome to Volume 17 Number 2 (V17N2) of the International Journal of Construction Education and Research. To begin this editorial, there are three items to quickly note. First, we welcome the addition of Dr. Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez to our editorial team as a guest associate editor. Second, as a reminder for prospective authors, when submitting a manuscript for publication we encourage you to ensure that the paper formatting follows the IJCER style guide found at ascweb.org. This greatly helps facilitate the review and publication process. Finally, I'd like to briefly discuss our 2020 review cycle. This past year our editorial office was kept extremely busy with a record 132 different manuscripts reviewed for publication. We believe that the increase in submittals corresponds with an increasing prominence of the IJCER, especially within the international construction research community. We continue to promote an efficient peer review process, and the average length of time from first submittal to manuscript acceptance was six months. We say thank you to the authors and reviewers for exhibiting a spirit of collegiality during a rigorous peer review process and ultimately helping produce a quality product in a timely manner.
机译:欢迎来到国际建筑教育和研究杂志的17卷(V17N2)。开始这一点,有三个项目可以快速注意。首先,我们欢迎加入Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez博士到我们的编辑团队作为招待会主编。其次,作为潜在作者提醒的是,在提交出版物的稿件时,我们鼓励您确保纸张格式遵循AscWeb.org的IJCer样式指南。这有助于促进审查和出版过程。最后,我想简要讨论我们的2020年审查周期。在过去的一年里,我们的编辑部一直非常忙于录制132次审查的出版物。我们认为,提交人的增加对应于ICEC的突出,特别是在国际建设研究界。我们继续推广一个有效的同行评审过程,第一次提交到稿件接受的平均时间长度为六个月。在严格的同行评审过程中,我们向作者和审稿人发表作者和审稿人,并及时帮助您及时帮助生产优质产品。



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