首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >Early Permian coal-forming floras preserved as compressions from the Wuda District (Inner Mongolia, China)

Early Permian coal-forming floras preserved as compressions from the Wuda District (Inner Mongolia, China)


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Four different compression/impression floras are preserved in only 4.32 m of the geologic section in the Early Permian Shanxi Formation of the Wuda District of Inner Mongolia, northwestern China. These floras represent four different plant communities and landscapes that followed each other in time. The oldest flora was rooted in sandy clay and initiated peat accumulation that lead to the formation of the lower coal seam. This seam is 230-cm thick and overlain by a 66-cm thick volcanic tuff that preserves a second different flora that grew on the peat at the time of the ash-fall. Standing stems and large plant parts are present. The upper part of the tuff is rooted by a single species of lycopsid (the third flora) again initiating peat accumulation. On top of this second seam of 120 cm thickness rests a roof-shale, deposited as mud in a shallow lake, the formation of which was responsible for the cessation of peat deposition. This fourth flora represents the plants growing around the lake on clastic substrate. Four different environments followed each other in this locality over a geologically short time span and each time conditions prevailed to preserve plant macrofossils. Three of these floras represent peat-forming plant communities of essentially the same time interval. This demonstrates the great variability of vegetation and landscapes in the tropical Cathaysian realm of the Late Paleozoic.
机译:在中国西北部内蒙古乌达地区的早二叠世山西组地质段中,仅在4.32 m的地质剖面中保留了四种不同的压缩/压缩动植物群。这些植物区系代表了四个不同的植物群落和景观,这些植物群落和景观在时间上相互跟随。最古老的植物群扎根于沙质粘土中,并开始了泥炭的积累,从而导致了下煤层的形成。该接缝厚230厘米,上面覆盖着66厘米厚的火山凝灰岩,保留了第二种不同的菌群,这些菌群在灰烬落下时在泥炭上生长。存在立茎和大植物部位。凝灰岩的上部由单种番茄红素(第三菌群)生根,再次引发泥炭的积累。在第二个120厘米厚的煤层的顶部是一个屋顶泥页岩,泥浆沉积在一个浅湖中,泥炭的形成是泥炭停止沉积的原因。第四个植物区系代表在碎屑基底上生长在湖周围的植物。在一个地理上较短的时间内,四个不同的环境在该位置上紧随其后,并且每种情况都盛行以保存植物大化石。这些植物区系中的三个代表基本上相同时间间隔的形成泥炭的植物群落。这表明了晚古生代热带凯瑟斯地区植被和景观的巨大变化。



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